Classic city tour of Athens

Private city tour of Athens, with an accredited guide. Including visits to Acropolis, Acropolis Museum and panoramic tour of the most important attractions of the…
Dicas de Atenas: o que fazer e quantos dias ficar

E você achou que não merecia ficar pelo menos dois dias em Atenas?! Veja quantas atividades dá para incluir na programação e obter uma experiência…
hellas1Sunday January 28th, 2018
Athens promotion: 4 days from only 269€(hotel and transfers)

Day 1 – ATHENS Arrival in Athens, reception and transfer to the hotel. We suggest visiting the bohemian neighborhood of Plaka, at the foot of…
hellas1Wednesday July 20th, 2016
Athens promotion: 4 days from only 425€(hotel, private city tour and transfers)

Day 1 – ATHENS Arrival in Athens, reception and transfer to the hotel. We suggest visiting the bohemian neighborhood of Plaka, at the foot of…
hellas1Wednesday July 20th, 2016
Athens promotion: 4 days from only 539€(hotel, private city tour, cruise and transfers)

Day 1 – ATHENS Arrival in Athens, reception and transfer to the hotel. We suggest visiting the bohemian neighborhood of Plaka, at the foot of…
hellas1Tuesday July 12th, 2016
Acropolis and Acropolis Museum

It is impossible to remember Greece without thinking about Acropolis. In this private tour you will visit Parthenon, Erechtheion, Temple of Athena Nike, theater of…
hellas1Tuesday June 14th, 2016
A imensurável riqueza cultural da Acrópole de Atenas

A Acrópole de Atenas é a primeira imagem que muitas pessoas associam quando pensam na Grécia. Com templos magníficos e de importância milenar para a…
hellas1Monday September 21st, 2015
Classic tour of Athens on foot

Private classic tour of Athens, on foot, with an accredited guide. Including visits to Acropolis, Acropolis Museum and walking through, Constitution Square, Parliament, Monastiraki, Thission,…
hellas1Tuesday June 14th, 2016
Atenas Cultural

Conhecendo todos os monumentos da Acrópole, descendo pelo nordeste da Rocha Sagrada, há o primeiro tribunal do mundo: o Areios Pagos. Situado acima do bairro de Plaka,…
hellas1Thursday August 28th, 2014
Atenas Clássica

Se existe um local que os visitantes querem conhecer o mais rápido possível, quando chegam em Atenas, é a Acrópole, com toda aquela riqueza monumental, histórica e arquitetônica. Mas,…
hellas1Thursday August 28th, 2014
Atenas Elegante

Tomar um café na Praça Syntagma é uma boa forma de observar a intensa movimentação de turistas e gregos, antes de prestigiar a cerimônia realizada pelos Evzones,…
hellas1Thursday August 28th, 2014
Tour to Cape Sounion and Temple of Poseidon

Excursion to Cape Sounio, the southernmost point of Attica, where the white marble pillars of the Temple of Poseidon are. According to mythology, it was…
hellas1Wednesday June 15th, 2016